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Thanks for checking out my blog! If you've never been here before welcome. If you are returning, welcome back and I would love it if you became one of my fabulous followers! I am a wedding and portrait photographer. It's a pretty awesome job and I love to get to meet new people and become a part of their lives! If you have any questions at all feel free to send me an email at info@briannebradburyphotography.com. If you've never stopped by my website it's: http://briannebradburyphotography.com. Hope you come again!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Simplicity in Chicago

So I'm not sure where I stand on the anatomically correct lions in from of the Art Institute. It would be super weird if they weren't, but yet it is super weird that they are. What is your opinion?

These are some more images that I took on the Chicago trip! We went on St. Patty's Day and it was fun to see everyone in green.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like the leaves!