About Me

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Thanks for checking out my blog! If you've never been here before welcome. If you are returning, welcome back and I would love it if you became one of my fabulous followers! I am a wedding and portrait photographer. It's a pretty awesome job and I love to get to meet new people and become a part of their lives! If you have any questions at all feel free to send me an email at info@briannebradburyphotography.com. If you've never stopped by my website it's: http://briannebradburyphotography.com. Hope you come again!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Molly and Matt

Sorry about being so behind on updating!  I know how everyone wants to hear about my fun and exciting life.  haha.  These are images from Molly and Matt's Wedding where I second shot for the fabulous Laura Meyer.  It was a fantastic wedding.  Molly and Matt were a blast to be with and I wish them all the happiness in the world.

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