About Me

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Thanks for checking out my blog! If you've never been here before welcome. If you are returning, welcome back and I would love it if you became one of my fabulous followers! I am a wedding and portrait photographer. It's a pretty awesome job and I love to get to meet new people and become a part of their lives! If you have any questions at all feel free to send me an email at info@briannebradburyphotography.com. If you've never stopped by my website it's: http://briannebradburyphotography.com. Hope you come again!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rosemary and David are married!!!

Rosemary's cousin was making the greatest face ever!

Rosemary, David and their bridal party surprised all their guests with a choreographed dance! It was a blast to shoot!

They also did a dollar dance and had everyone pin money on them! David had toilet paper pinned to him too, someone was cheap ;)

Their wedding was great and I love anywhere near water. It was also a lot of fun to go out after dark and take some more pictures of just Rosemary and David!

May they have many years of happiness!